But you see, I have an explanation (meagre, I'll admit): third term of year 12 is unprecidentally busy, and don't you let anyone ever tell you otherwise. I thought, after the year book and my art major were finnished, it'd be a breeze. But no, there were assessments, revision, and not to mention those two pesky HSC exams I did in the final stages of term (German continuers and extension speaking- the worst is over, hence why I feel i can blog instead of study). And of course, as could have been predicted, the yearbook wasn't wrapped up untill it was almost too late. And, boy, can I say, there was drama there. Some completely blind people working for that publishing company...
Anyway, since my personal life isn't nearly as interesting as I would like to pretend, I'm going to get to some things that someone (maybe) might actually care about. Firstly, and quite exciting for me and any photography enthusiasts will understand, for the coming weekend I am borrowing a Nikon D90, to get the feel of it and get an idea of which lenses I would most like. Conveniantly, the weekend isn't empty, and I will be clutching tightly to that gorgeous SLR at the Granny Smith festival, where up-and-comers Ramshackle (i.e. the band my boyfriend plays guitar for) are featuring in The Core (be there or be an equal sided quadrilateral).
I should hopefully be able to get some choice shots up over the next couple of weeks, when I'm not suffering the "severe death syndrome" that is the HSC (30 days till my last exam- happy days!) As well as the looming beginning of the rest of my life, it is (as of today) 39 days until my 18th birthday, 47 until schoolies, and 60 until the Green Day concert. So it's all uphill from the 11th of November onwards, really.
In other news, I found a shop that actually stocks Ray-Ban clubmasters in blue, so I no longer have to worry about the pesky business of buying them online! Unfortunately, I had spent an entire day unsuccessfully searching for a formal dress, so I was in no mood for the possible further let down of trying them on and finding out they don't suit. Anyway, plenty of time for that.
Unfortunately, I have still not found my formal shoes in solid form. There is a "coming soon" section on the Siren website, where you can pre-order the shoes that aren't released yet, but there is no mention of the Apollos there. I emailed Siren, and haven't got a reply yet, so hopefully I find out something, or find a suitable, if not better replacement. Which is where Grzia magazine deserves a mention. Sweet Grazia, who have served me well for the better part of this year, have gone one step further. This week, within those sweet, fashion-filled pages, was a $25 Betts gift card. And, in a bitter sweet turn of events, I can only use it on an item priced at $80 or more, which rules out the clutch I've been eye-balling, but makes it the perfect reason why I should find formal shoes at Bets, and, failing that, justification to buy Betts shoes simply because I want to. (I still haven't got the essential nude pumps, so this might be my oppurtunity?)
On to ANTM news, and may I just have a brief gloat over my apparent ability to pick winners (well... almost). Dedicated readers (or those who enjoy browsing past archives) may well remember my post about my favourite for the 12th cycle of America's Next Top Model: Allison. And let me tell you, she was my favourite from the very first episode. Now, she didn't win, which I accidently found out while googling pictures of her at the very start of the cycle, but she did come as close as possible- second place. This, despite doubts from many of her deserving a place in the final 12. I still think she should have won, but I guess I'm a little biased. She's just so damn cute!

Allison Harvard
Even though I've been resisting the urges to buy buy BUY, I have cracked a few times and splurged. But i must say, I have not regretted any purchases, and I've managed to only buy one pair of shoes since April (and they were $50, from target, black, strappy and teetering, and have quickly become my favourtie pair). Along with these, this term I've bought a blazer, (also target, and cheap, but you can't tell at a distance) a high-waisted floral skirt from Net.Girl, a cream satin bow that has both a hair clip and a clothes pin attatched and a purple glass flower ring, both from Diva, a black clutch from West Ryde Vinnies, a gorgeous scarf from Gladesville Vinnies and a Dangerfield clutch in the shaped of a red heart - a purchase I was very happy about, as Grazia raved about the "heart trend" the following week, featuring a bag almost identical to mine at 9 times the price. I was extremely proud, I even texted J immediately, but i don't think he quite shared my enthusiasm. I've also been getting into the DIY approach lately, and my first completed project came about 4 weeks ago: acid wash shorts. I used this old pair of jean from JayJays, that never quite fit right and were of that ugly cheap looking blue with white stitching variety. a snip here, some bleach there, some twisting here, some more bleaching there and voila! perfect summer shorts, for free! although they do still smell heavily of chlorine... I'll put up a picture when I have a more reliable camera (mine's 6 years old and the photos come out pink and squiggly sometimes)
I'm also part way through altering a high waisted skirt i bought ages ago and never once wore. It buttons up, and has this white bow thing on it which is cute but i feel it limits what i can wear it with (i don't like black white and colour all in one outfit, unless the colour is one statment item or something) so i picked out the stitching to get rid of that, and I'm also going to get rid of the buttons and add a zipper instead, as the gaps between the buttons gaped at my wider points. Hopefully all goes well with that project. I also plan to make myself a tutu (or two!) which could be interesting since I'll be guessing how to make one...
My quest for a formal dress continues tomorrow, when I'll follow up some possible options- find my size in one dress, see if i can make a dress work for a formal by using a satin bow where a belt belongs; that kind of thing. I'm dragging J along, so hopefully he'll look at some suits as well. He said ages ago he wanted a new suit, a grey one, so I'm holding him to it, because we all know grey is the new black in the suit world.
I think I've covered all I wanted to, so untill next time
- Mell
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